
Using Borders to Enhance Photos

13th October 2019


| Keynote
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

Jacob Woolcock

13th October 2019

Jacob Woolcock



| Keynote
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

nothing to see here!

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A 60 second guide on how to make your photos really pop on the page by using decorative photo borders in Keynote on iPad.


Okay, so you’ve got a sheet of photos but you want them to look a little bit more special? Well, take a look at this…

I’m starting with a sheet of photos in Keynote and I’m going to tap on one picture and press the Format paintbrush.

I want to press the last of those six borders and then tap onto Style.

I’ve gone for the pinboard one.

Tap on that and it’ll apply straight away to your photo.

Repeat this with each photo on the page and before you know it you’ll have a screen full of photographs, all with really fancy borders.

Then you can drop a photo as the background by inserting a new picture, tapping on the Format brush arranging it to the very back and voila, a beautiful cork board full of photos.

But it doesn’t stop there – have a look at these other examples.

About Keynote
The Keynote app is Apple's presentation software that enables users to create stunning and professional slideshows with ease. It offers a variety of templates, animations, and tools for designing impactful presentations, and supports seamless collaboration and syncing across Apple devices via iCloud.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPad Air 2
running iPadOS 13.

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