
Using Instant Alpha to Remove Backgrounds from Images

23rd August 2019


| Keynote
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

Jacob Woolcock

23rd August 2019

Jacob Woolcock



| Keynote
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

nothing to see here!

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A 60 second guide on removing the background from your images or photos by using the Instant Alpha tool in Keynote on iPad.


Okay, let’s have a really quick look at a cool way to remove the background from your photos.

We used to use Photoshop to do this, but with Keynote and the Instant Alpha feature it’s super quick and super easy.

Here we go.

First up you’re going to want to insert your photo into Keynote.

You might want to resize it to fill your page.

When you’ve done that press the Format (paint brush) tool on the top toolbar and go onto the Image tab.

From here you’re looking to press Instant Alpha.

Simply drag your finger over the background of the image and it will find anything of that colour and remove it to give you a transparent photograph.

You could then take this photo and put it anywhere you like – on a different picture, a blank page along with other photos from your class.

I wonder what you’ll create with this really simple technique?

About Keynote
The Keynote app is Apple's presentation software that enables users to create stunning and professional slideshows with ease. It offers a variety of templates, animations, and tools for designing impactful presentations, and supports seamless collaboration and syncing across Apple devices via iCloud.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPad Air 2
running iPadOS 13.

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