
Make your Sketches Come to Life with Line Draw

22nd September 2019


| Keynote
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

Jacob Woolcock

22nd September 2019

Jacob Woolcock



| Keynote
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

nothing to see here!

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In this video we’ll delve into the exciting world of animating your drawings in Keynote using the Line Draw effect. By selecting your pencil drawing and applying the Line Draw Build In effect, you can create dynamic animations with adjustable speeds, enhancing the visual impact of your presentations. Follow along to see how easy it is to animate your sketches, and I encourage you to share your own animated projects with me!


Last time we looked at using Keynote to make some sketches and some drawings and today we’re going to look at how to make those drawings come to life by animating them using something called Line Draw. Here we go!

As long as you’ve got a pencil drawing on your page you can tap on it and then press Animate.

From here you want to add a Build In effect and we’re going to choose the one called Line Draw.

You’ll get a preview straight away of what that looks like but if you want to press the X you can change the speed of that, as shown on the screen.

You can make your animation faster or slower and you can view it by pressing the Play button at the top of your page.

There you go, a really simple and quick way to make your presentation come to life.

I’d love to see what you can make happen in Keynote, why don’t you send me your animations?

About Keynote
The Keynote app is Apple's presentation software that enables users to create stunning and professional slideshows with ease. It offers a variety of templates, animations, and tools for designing impactful presentations, and supports seamless collaboration and syncing across Apple devices via iCloud.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPad Air 2
running iPadOS 13.

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