
How to use Memoji to Easily Personalise Remote Teaching Videos

17th May 2020


| Keynote
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

Jacob Woolcock

17th May 2020

Jacob Woolcock



| Keynote
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

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Discover how to create engaging and personalised teaching resources using Memoji videos in Keynote with this step-by-step tutorial. Learn how to seamlessly integrate your Memoji into presentation slides, making lessons more interactive and visually appealing. This guide not only demonstrates the process of customising and exporting your creation but also shows how to share it effectively on various online learning platforms, adding a personal touch to your educational content.


Okay, let’s use our new Memoji videos to make some really cool personalised teaching resources in Keynote. I’ve got this nice intro slide for a new topic we’re doing; it’s not very personal, though, so I’ve put a little figure in the rocket and I want to put my Memoji on top of his face. So, I’m going to press the plus button, go to ‘Image’, and then add an image or video. From here, I’m going to select my new recording saved in my Photos library, tap on it, and check it to the right video. This week, we’re going into outer space in five quick steps: add a suitcase, head to the rocket, and let’s get going. Yes, that looks good to me. So, now it’s on the page, I’m going to resize it, use the layer order to send it behind the window of the rocket so it looks a bit more realistic, and then I’m going to fine-tune its position so it looks just right on my figure. Now it’s ready to go. I can press in the top corner, then go down to ‘Export’ and select ‘Movie’. On this screen, make sure you’ve got 0 seconds delay between transitions and new slides, and then press ‘Export’. When the export is finished, you have the option to save your new video as a video into the Photos app. Jump over to Photos, and you’ll see your video resource ready to go, which you can now share on any online learning platform you’re using, to make your next lesson a little bit more personal for your class.

About Keynote
The Keynote app is Apple's presentation software that enables users to create stunning and professional slideshows with ease. It offers a variety of templates, animations, and tools for designing impactful presentations, and supports seamless collaboration and syncing across Apple devices via iCloud.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPad Air 2
running iPadOS 13.

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