Pop Art Self Portrait

an iPad QuickLesson by Jacob Woolcock

Create a pop art self portrait | an iPad QuickLesson Video

For this #QuickLesson we’ll learn how to use Keynote to trace over a selfie and then we’ll use some clever techniques to transform this pencil drawing into a vivid and vibrant Pop Art Self Portrait, inspired by artists such as Andy Warhol. This tutorial is easy to follow and is guaranteed to create some great fun outcomes by the end.

So grab an iPad – or maybe get your class to grab their iPads – and let’s get started!

Pop Art Self Portrait


Completely free to watch and enjoy

Step 1:
Capture and Position your Selfie

begins at 01:18

Step 2:
Trace a Line Drawing

begins at 02:18

Step 3:
Colour Four Different Ways

begins at 04:21

Step 4:
Export Individual Images

begins at 07:14

Step 5:
Import, Arrange and Save

begins at 07:47

QuickLesson +

Includes lesson plan, downloadable resources + more

This QuickLesson+ includes:

Lesson Plan

An editable Pages document including timings for each step along with my own 'teacher tips'

Offline Video

A downloadable version of this QuickLesson video to watch back offline in class with no ads

Resources + Files

A copy of the files used in this QuickLesson so you can use them on your own iPad for in-class demos (or to practice with yourself!)

Inspiration Gallery

tag me on Twitter (@JacobWoolcock) to be added to the gallery!

QuickLesson+ is Coming Soon

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Download and keep this entire QuickLesson to watch whenever you like, ad free - along with detailed lesson plans, curriculum links and a copy of the files I created in this lesson.

This QuickLesson+ includes:

Create a pop art self portrait | an iPad QuickLesson Video

Alternatively you enjoy the QuickLesson for free on YouTube below!