Animated Fairy Lights
an iPad QuickLesson by Jacob Woolcock
In this #QuickLesson we’ll learn how to use Keynote to create a simple yet fun animated GIF featuring some beautifully festive Fairy Lights.
By creating multiple slides with the same drawings but different colours we can quickly and effectively create a lovely animation that would work in so many contexts across the curriculum.
For today though, we’re looking at a fun end-of-term activity by decorating our classroom in Christmas lights!
Animated Fairy Lights
Watch this QuickLesson
Step 1:
Photograph and Edit your Scene
begins at 02:18
Step 2:
Prepare your Drawing Space
begins at 03:18
Step 3:
Draw your Fairy Lights
begins at 03:45
Step 4:
Animate your Fairy Lights
begins at 05:07
Step 5:
Save as an Animated Gif
begins at 06:48
Step 1: Photograph and Edit your Scene
begins at 02:18
Step 2: Prepare your Drawing Space
begins at 03:18
Step 3: Draw your Fairy Lights
begins at 03:45
Step 4: Animate your Fairy Lights
begins at 05:07
Step 5: Save as an Animated Gif
begins at 06:48
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- Full Lesson Plan
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- Curriculum Links
- Subject Links + Inspiration
- Downloadable Project File