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Quickly Crop your Photos

27th August 2023


iPhone | QuickTips

| Photos
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

Jacob Woolcock

27th August 2023

Jacob Woolcock



| Photos
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

nothing to see here!


Join me as we uncover the magic of Quick Crop in iOS 17—a game-changer for your photo editing endeavours. Are you tired of the tedious editing procedures that eat up your time? Look no further as I guide you through a tutorial that showcases the remarkable efficiency of Quick Crop. With its intuitive design, you’ll learn how to swiftly achieve your desired edits with minimal taps, ultimately saving you valuable time. Together, we’ll explore how this feature allows you to effortlessly navigate your editing toolkit, making the process smoother and more accessible than ever.


Editing photos on iPhone is really easy to do, but sometimes it takes quite a few taps to get to where you want – and a good example of that is if you wanted to crop this photo say of the tool ships in Falmouth Harbour I’d have to go to Edit, and then to Crop, and then to choose a size, and then to make it smaller, and then press Done, then press Save… It’s the whole thing.

All I want to do is actually just get this particular boat and… look!

In the top corner that’s a new button!

Remember, I haven’t actually gone into Edit mode, I’ve just zoomed into my photo here.

If I tap that new Crop button it will then take me straight to the Crop page, with a bounding box the shape of my screen on that photo, ready for me.

From here I can then find the crop that I want, so I can make sure I get the whole tall ship in, and then all I have to do is press Done and that crop is saved.

Literally two taps rather than about eight, so much easier and a real timesaver!

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About Photos
The Apple Photos app is a photo management tool that allows users to organise, edit, and share their images and videos across Apple devices. It features advanced editing tools, intelligent organisation options like Memories and People, and seamless iCloud integration to keep the media library up-to-date and accessible from anywhere.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 14 Pro
running iOS 17.

Thank You

All of my content is completely free to watch. However, to create these videos I require a steady stream of caffeine!  If you’ve found this QuickTip helpful then please do consider buying me a coffee. Thank you.

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Additional Information

The content used in this video is intended for educational and informational purposes only. All rights to the images, music, clips, and other media used belong to their respective owners. I do not claim ownership over any third-party content used. This video has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc.

iPhone, iPad and iPadOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. iOS is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems Inc. Whilst I have done my best to list all applicable trademarks for this video, in the (hopefully unlikely) event that I have missed any you can find a full list of trademarks registered to Apple Inc. here.

Finally, please note that whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained within this video was correct at time of publication, please be aware that as future updates and software changes occur some or all elements of this video may become outdated. I will endeavour to remove videos which are completely obsolete so as not to cause confusion!

Check out my new iOS 18 Book!

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