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Add or Remove Suggested Data Types from Automatic Journaling Entries

11th December 2023


iPhone | QuickTips

| Journal
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 17.2

Jacob Woolcock

11th December 2023

Jacob Woolcock



| Journal
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 17.2

nothing to see here!


In this tutorial, I delve into the world of customising your Journal app on iOS 17.2. Join me as we explore the privacy settings that allow you to curate the suggestions offered by the app, tailoring it to your preferences. We’ll navigate through the Settings app, discussing how to disable or enable features like location tracking, contacts, and exercise details. Additionally, I’ll guide you through the option of making your phone discoverable by other Journal users, offering a unique social aspect to your journaling experience. By the end of this video, you’ll have the know-how to personalise your Journal app, ensuring it suits your needs seamlessly. So, grab your iPhones, and let’s embark on this journey of unlocking the full potential of your journaling experience!


The Journal app will very intelligently pick out suggestions for you that you might like to write about. Perhaps places you visited, people you met with, or music you’ve enjoyed. Now, while these are great, a lot of the time, it may well be that actually, you don’t want it to automatically choose things for you. Perhaps you want to turn off location or turn off contacts, maybe turn off exercise or something like that. Well, we can customize what suggestions are available to us. All we need to do is jump into the Settings app and then scroll down a bit until you reach Journal.

Now, on the Journal settings page, there’s an option there for journaling suggestions which we’re going to tap on now. Then, I want to go onto suggestion privacy settings. From here, you’ve got a checklist of different things that you can enable or disable depending on what you would like. So, perhaps I want to turn off frequently visited locations on my phone, so I’ll simply turn that toggle off. And then, I can choose other things if I want to. It’s also on this page where we can decide if you want your phone to be discoverable by other Journal users on their phone. So, maybe you’ve gone out for a drink with your best friend. If you’ve both got this setting turned on, that encounter will show up as your suggestions for both of you. I can turn this on or off as I wish, and it’s totally your choice.

When we’re done, we’ll jump out of Settings, and we’ll go back into the Journal app. Here on my suggested journaling posts, you can see now I’ve got no more locations that I visited. I do have workouts which do contain geolocation, so you can still see where I was during a workout. But there’s no more recently visited places like a supermarket or work or a village or anything else. So, that’s one way you can customise the Journal app to better suit you on iOS 17.2.

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About Journal
The iPhone Journal app is a personal journaling tool that allows users to capture their thoughts, memories, and daily activities in a digital format. It features multimedia integration, including photos and audio recordings, along with organisational tools like tags and search, making it easy to document and reflect on one's life.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 15 Pro Max
running iOS 17.2.

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All of my content is completely free to watch. However, to create these videos I require a steady stream of caffeine!  If you’ve found this QuickTip helpful then please do consider buying me a coffee. Thank you.

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Additional Information

The content used in this video is intended for educational and informational purposes only. All rights to the images, music, clips, and other media used belong to their respective owners. I do not claim ownership over any third-party content used. This video has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc.

iPhone, iPad and iPadOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. iOS is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems Inc. Whilst I have done my best to list all applicable trademarks for this video, in the (hopefully unlikely) event that I have missed any you can find a full list of trademarks registered to Apple Inc. here.

Finally, please note that whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained within this video was correct at time of publication, please be aware that as future updates and software changes occur some or all elements of this video may become outdated. I will endeavour to remove videos which are completely obsolete so as not to cause confusion!

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