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Extract the Subject from any Photo

28th August 2022


iPhone | QuickTips

| Photos
iPhone 13 Pro
IOS_16_icon copy
iOS 16

Jacob Woolcock

28th August 2022

Jacob Woolcock



| Photos
iPhone 13 Pro
IOS_16_icon copy
iOS 16

nothing to see here!


With iOS 16 you can now easily extract the subject from a photo (whether that’s a person, group of people, animal, object or something else entirely) and drag it anywhere you like on iOS. That means you could save it as a new image (with a transparent background), paste it into Messages as a sticker or drop it into a document you’re working on. This short and easy-to-follow guide will show you exactly how it works.


Sometimes a feature just seems almost magical like you can’t quite get your head around how it works.

Photo Cutout in iOS 16 is exactly like that!

Here’s what it’s like.

So when you go into a photo on iOS 16, whether it’s in the Photos app or even one that you found online when browsing the internet, you can tap and hold on the subject of that picture.

When you do this a very strange thing will happen, because the subject of that picture underneath your finger will move slightly closer to you and away from the background in the picture.

That’s because your iPhone has just instantly cut out that object from the background of the photo.

Here I’m holding an Apple Watch strap and now, when I move my finger, I can move my arm and the Apple Watch band anywhere I want.

It’s detached from the photo itself!

It’s really surreal.

If I use another finger to press the back button in the top corner, I can then let go of the cutout in the Photo app itself and that will then save it as a brand new image with a transparent background.

Let’s go on to another one – this time of a very handsome young man by his computer(!), and when I go onto there I can tap and hold.

And just like before the actual subject, in this case me, will be cut out from the background – no matter how cluttered or busy it is.

This time rather than dragging and dropping, I’m just going to take my finger away.

Once that element has been selected, now I get this really cool light that traces around the outside of my body and I get the option to Copy or to Share.

If I go onto Share I can then send this the picture to anyone that I like, or I can just tap Save Image and just like before it will make a new image in the Photos app of this cutout.

Now this seems to work on about 90% of the pictures that I’ve tried it on, even ones that you think it really shouldn’t be possible on.

For example in this last photograph I’m holding an iPad right in front of my Mac, and I don’t know how my phone knows to separate the two.

But when I tap and hold on myself, not only do I get selected, but the iPad I’m holding does as well.

I’m going to tap onto Copy and jump into messages, and then Paste that to myself.

This feature is absolutely mind-blowing, and whilst it’s never going to be quite as accurate as using Photoshop to professionally cut out a picture – it does an incredibly good job super, super quickly!

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About Photos
The Apple Photos app is a photo management tool that allows users to organise, edit, and share their images and videos across Apple devices. It features advanced editing tools, intelligent organisation options like Memories and People, and seamless iCloud integration to keep the media library up-to-date and accessible from anywhere.
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Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 13 Pro
running iOS 16.

Thank You

All of my content is completely free to watch. However, to create these videos I require a steady stream of caffeine!  If you’ve found this QuickTip helpful then please do consider buying me a coffee. Thank you.

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Additional Information

The content used in this video is intended for educational and informational purposes only. All rights to the images, music, clips, and other media used belong to their respective owners. I do not claim ownership over any third-party content used. This video has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc.

iPhone, iPad and iPadOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. iOS is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems Inc. Whilst I have done my best to list all applicable trademarks for this video, in the (hopefully unlikely) event that I have missed any you can find a full list of trademarks registered to Apple Inc. here.

Finally, please note that whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained within this video was correct at time of publication, please be aware that as future updates and software changes occur some or all elements of this video may become outdated. I will endeavour to remove videos which are completely obsolete so as not to cause confusion!

Check out my new iOS 18 Book!

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