
How to Automatically Close Tabs in Safari after a Day, Week or Month

21st September 2019


| Safari
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

Jacob Woolcock

21st September 2019

Jacob Woolcock



| Safari
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

nothing to see here!

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This video will show you how to manage your tabs in Safari better by automatically closing unused tabs after 24 hours, a week or even a month. No more opening Safari and being swamped with hundreds of tabs that you’ve forgotten about! A really Quick Tip to make your experience using iPadOS and iOS even better.


In Safari, it is very easy to have many tabs open, and over time, you just seem to accumulate more and more. One of the cool new features, which hasn’t been talked about much in iOS 13 and iPadOS, is the ability to close these tabs automatically after a period of time. To access this, go to the Settings app and then scroll down until you reach Safari. Scroll down to where it says ‘Close Tabs’, and tap on here. You’ll see you can choose to have tabs closed automatically after a day, a week, or a month. Head back from here, and I’ll show you one more tip quickly. Just above that setting is one which allows you to ‘Show Icons in Tabs’. If you turn that on and head back to Safari, you’ll see the little favicon at the top of each of your tabs, which helps them stand out a bit if you’ve got multiple tabs open.

About Safari
The Safari app is Apple's web browser, designed for fast and efficient internet browsing on iOS and macOS devices. It offers features such as intelligent tracking prevention, reading mode, and iCloud syncing, providing a secure and seamless browsing experience across all Apple devices.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPad Air 2
running iPadOS 13.

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