
How to Draw On and Annotate your Boards

13th December 2022


| Freeform
iPhone 14 Pro
IOS_16_icon copy
iOS 16.2

Jacob Woolcock

13th December 2022

Jacob Woolcock



| Freeform
iPhone 14 Pro
IOS_16_icon copy
iOS 16.2

nothing to see here!

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Using Annotations are a great way to quickly write down your ideas and highlight sections of your Freeform board using just your finger. Freeform has a suite of tools to help you express yourself quickly and easily. This short and easy-to-follow tutorial will get you up to speed with drawing and annotation in Freeform in no time at all.


To add hand-drawn annotations to our Board on the iPhone we’re gonna have to use our finger because it’s not going to support the Apple Pencil.

But don’t worry, all the tools still work just like they would do on the iPad which is really nice.

So at the bottom tap onto the Annotation button and then you get this toolbox of different drawing tools.

Of course we can change the color and we can change the thickness here, just like normal, and then we can use our finger to annotate that Board.

NowM I must admit I’m very excited about going on a land train so I’m going to put a big ‘yes!’ next to that land train to really draw attention to it when I share the board in the next video.

But you can actually draw on top of your pictures as well – even videos!

So perhaps this video of the timelapse over the river in Cologne?

Maybe I really love that and I want to draw a big heart over it.

I could even be really fussy here and zoom into my shopping bag and make it a bit more personal to me by colouring in as a Lego shopping bag.

So there are loads of things you can do with these annotation tools to make that board a bit more personal to you.

While I’m finishing off here perhaps you might like to Subscribe if you haven’t already?

As well as making a whole set of videos about Freeform for iPhone there are also hundreds more Quick Tips to help you make the most of the device you’re holding right now.

In the next video we’ll have a look at the collaboration features in Freeform so follow that link at the end and I’ll see you there in a moment.

About Freeform
The Freeform app is a versatile digital canvas developed by Apple, designed for creative brainstorming and collaborative projects. It allows users to freely sketch, write, and organise ideas visually and supports real-time collaboration.
IOS_16_icon copy

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 14 Pro
running iOS 16.2.

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