Sunrise to Sunset Animation

an iPad QuickLesson by Jacob Woolcock

For this #QuickLesson we’re going to learn how to create some stunning animations in Keynote using the Magic Move tool. We’ll start by building a day time scene with green hills, a sunny blue sky with a few little clouds. Then using the Magic Move we’ll animate a sunset and transition into a night time scene and then back to day again the next morning. With this technique the possibilities for animation in Keynote really are endless. Lastly I’ll remind you how to export what you’ve created as a movie to share elsewhere.

Sunrise to Sunset Animation

Watch this QuickLesson

Step 1:
Prepare your Workspace

begins at 01:11

Step 2:
Create a Day-time Scene

begins at 02:22

Step 3:
Add a Magic Move Transition

begins at 05:17

Step 4:
Create a Night-time Scene

begins at 06:57

Step 5:
Export as an Animation

begins at 10:14

Step 1: Prepare your Workspace

begins at 01:11

Step 2: Create a Day-time Scene

begins at 02:22

Step 3: Add a Magic Move Transition

begins at 05:17

Step 4: Create a Night-time Scene

begins at 06:57

Step 5: Export as an Animation

begins at 10:14

Inspiration Gallery

tag me on Twitter (@JacobWoolcock) to be added to the gallery!

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