
Convert Data from within the Camera

29th August 2022


iPhone | QuickTips

| Camera
iPhone 13 Pro
IOS_16_icon copy
iOS 16

Jacob Woolcock

29th August 2022

Jacob Woolcock



| Camera
iPhone 13 Pro
IOS_16_icon copy
iOS 16

nothing to see here!

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With iOS 16 you can convert data in real time, using the Camera app. Whether it’s cooking temperatures, currency conversion or changing another metric, the Camera app now lets you do this super quickly without even having to take a photo! Here’s a quick guide to how it works and what this new feature in iOS 16 is capable of.


With iOS 16 your Camera app became a lot more powerful because it can now do Live Conversions when you’re taking a photo.

Here’s how it all works.

I’ve got here a recipe book and if I jump into the Camera app you’ll see straight away I’ve got some recipes I’m thinking about making.

But on the ingredient list I perhaps want to convert that from grams to pounds or something else – I’m not sure.

But for the demo let’s pretend I want to convert these numbers.

When I have text in the viewfinder of my Camera, I can tap on it and it’ll get a little yellow box around it.

Now this is separate from the focusing box (the square that you normally see) as this one’s more rectangular with rounded corners.

When you tap on here you can also get the Live Text button in the bottom right hand corner.

Let’s go ahead and tap on there and we’ll have a look at my 15 grams of crispy onions.

And from here, in the bottom left hand corner, we have our new conversion button.

This will work for weights, for distance, for measures – it will even do currency conversion if you’ve got a price tag on a shelf or a shop item.

When I tap onto there you can see straight away it’s converted 15 grams into different formats like ounces or pounds or kilograms.

So I’ve now learned I need 0.53 ounces of crispy onions – how helpful that’s going to be in my life!

Let’s have a quick look on the next page of my recipe book, because from here we have some cooking instructions and you can see it has two different temperatures for the oven based on whether or not it’s a fan oven or not.

Again when I tap on here I get the curved yellow box showing that I’ve selected some text.

Without even taking a photo I can press the Live Text button in the bottom corner you can now see in the bottom left corner there are two conversion buttons.

One for 200 degrees celsius and one for 220 degrees celsius – and if I tap onto them or the text that’s in the picture in the middle I’ll get my different conversions.

I’m not sure learning how to cook in Kelvins is really going to help me in the kitchen, but for the sake of the demo you get the idea.

Whilst perhaps this isn’t the most useful data to convert in my instance, imagine going to a shop in a foreign country and being able to hold your Camera up and immediately in real time getting a currency conversion to your own currency.

I wish I could go on holiday to demo this for you in person, but sadly I can’t you’ll have to make do with my cooking in Kelvins for now!

About Camera
The Camera app for Apple devices is a versatile and user-friendly tool for capturing high-quality photos and videos. It includes a variety of features such as Portrait mode, Night mode, and advanced editing options, allowing users to create professional-looking content with ease.
IOS_16_icon copy

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 13 Pro
running iOS 16.

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All of my content is completely free to watch. However, to create these videos I require a steady stream of caffeine!  If you’ve found this QuickTip helpful then please do consider buying me a coffee. Thank you.

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Additional Information

The content used in this video is intended for educational and informational purposes only. All rights to the images, music, clips, and other media used belong to their respective owners. I do not claim ownership over any third-party content used. This video has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc.

iPhone, iPad and iPadOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. iOS is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems Inc. Whilst I have done my best to list all applicable trademarks for this video, in the (hopefully unlikely) event that I have missed any you can find a full list of trademarks registered to Apple Inc. here.

Finally, please note that whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information contained within this video was correct at time of publication, please be aware that as future updates and software changes occur some or all elements of this video may become outdated. I will endeavour to remove videos which are completely obsolete so as not to cause confusion!
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