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How to Easily Straighten Horizons in your Photos

5th June 2022


| Photos
iPhone 13 Pro
iOS 15

Jacob Woolcock

5th June 2022

Jacob Woolcock



| Photos
iPhone 13 Pro
iOS 15

nothing to see here!

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How many photos have you taken, only to later realise you were holding your iPhone at a weird angle and that the horizon is horribly wonky? Well it’s super easy to correct this – in fact Photos will do it automatically for you!


Here’s a really #QuickTip to help you straighten your photographs very easily.

So, here you can see some photos I’ve taken in St Ives. It’s a lovely day for some pictures, but unfortunately, they’re a little bit wonky. Perhaps I was too busy avoiding seagulls to hold my phone straight? But not to worry, if I press edit in the top corner, I can then go on to Crop.

And from here, I can straighten my image manually. Now, this slider is great because it lets me tilt the picture to level it up and it shows me a grid on the screen – but there’s an even quicker way. At the top of your screen, simply press Auto, and that will immediately crop your photo and level the horizon if it can.

Of course, then I can crop my image as normal, but now that horizon is nice and straight. Let’s press Done and try one other picture.

Here we go, I’m going to press on to Edit and then go on to Crop. Then on the Crop screen at the top, I’m going to press Auto. Just like that, my horizon is straight and my picture looks a lot better than it was when I took it!

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About Photos
The Apple Photos app is a photo management tool that allows users to organise, edit, and share their images and videos across Apple devices. It features advanced editing tools, intelligent organisation options like Memories and People, and seamless iCloud integration to keep the media library up-to-date and accessible from anywhere.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 13 Pro
running iOS 15.

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