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How to Create Pet Albums and Auto-Tag Pets in Photos

27th August 2023


| Photos
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

Jacob Woolcock

27th August 2023

Jacob Woolcock



| Photos
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

nothing to see here!

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In this tutorial, I’ll be walking you through the process of creating dedicated pet albums and utilising automatic tagging through the magic of pet face detection. From capturing playful moments with your dogs to showcasing the elegance of your cats, iOS 17 introduces smart albums that align perfectly with your furry companions. Let’s delve into this world of photo enhancement and organisation, making your pet memories even more special and easily accessible.


Being able to recognise and tag people in your photos has been a really helpful feature in iOS over the years and now with iOS 17 you can tag your pets as well – which means that you can search for a picture of your dog and your mum at the beach together and it will find it for you, it’s really clever!

If I go have this photo here of Poppy and Mabel in the woods and I swipe up to get the information, you might notice in the bottom left corner of that picture there are two little circles – one for each dog that’s been detected.

When I tap on the little circle with Poppy’s face in I have the option to name this pet, and I’m simply going to type in Poppy on this screen.

I’ll do the same for Mabel as well (I wouldn’t want her feeling left out!).

I’ll tap on her little picture and I’ll call that one Mabel.

Now after assigning Mabel her name it’s actually asking me to review some extra photos – these are pictures that it thinks might be of Mabel but it’s not completely sure.

And actually it’s right to get me to check because these are previous Irish Wolfhounds, not Mabel at all!

I’m going to unselect them before I move on, but now if I go back to the Albums screen and then scroll down to where the People album lives (it’s now called People and Pets) I can tap onto there and straight away you’ll see my three cats are on there already.

Now these albums at the top have been selected as my favourites (that’s why they’re always at the top of there nice and big).

Poppy and Mabel haven’t been given that status yet, but I want to do that obviously.

So I’m going to scroll down my list of people until I find Mabel and Poppy and I’m going to tap the little heart symbol next to their picture.

When I go back to the top I’ve now got all three cats and both dogs in that section at the top.

And of course just like you expect if I tap on to one of those albums I then get all the pictures of Poppy, or all the pictures of Mabel, or all the pictures of Polly – everything that my iPhone has found, just like it would do with people.

Now I found this to be pretty reliable – for example Pudding and Mr Tibbs both look very similar. s

Sadly we lost Mr Tibbs in January and we have had Pudding since about June time, and the iPhone has recognised that they’re two different cats even though they do look quite similar.

So it is a really useful feature to have and like I said it makes searching Photos even easier.

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About Photos
The Apple Photos app is a photo management tool that allows users to organise, edit, and share their images and videos across Apple devices. It features advanced editing tools, intelligent organisation options like Memories and People, and seamless iCloud integration to keep the media library up-to-date and accessible from anywhere.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 14 Pro
running iOS 17.

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