
How to Collaborate and Work Together on Documents in Pages

8th March 2020


| Pages
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

Jacob Woolcock

8th March 2020

Jacob Woolcock



| Pages
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

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Discover the power of collaboration in Pages, Numbers, and Keynote across different Apple IDs in this informative tutorial. Learn how to easily share and edit documents between devices, even with different iCloud accounts, ensuring seamless workflow and real-time updates. This guide demonstrates the versatility and security of Apple’s collaboration tools, making it ideal for educational settings, team projects, or working with partners globally.


Here’s a really simple guide to collaborating on documents in Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. I’m going to open up the document on my iPhone here, which is linked to my personal iCloud account. However, I want to share this with my work device as well, so I can view it on my iPad. Because the two have different Apple IDs, I can’t share it via iCloud normally. So, in the top right-hand corner, I’m going to press the little person icon and choose to collaborate with my other Apple ID account. You can choose which Apple service you want to use to simply link to your document, and you can also choose on this page what sort of access permissions you want to give the recipient. Do you want them to be a view-only user, or do you want them to edit the document as well? You can also choose to send the general link out that anyone can join if you want to, but this isn’t quite so secure as anyone could just type in the link and access your document. When you decide how you want to share your link, you’re then going to type in the recipient’s details. This could be a phone number or an email address linked to their Apple ID. From here, I’m then going to send my email to my other Apple account, and on my iPad, when that comes through, I can tap on the URL to open that link. It will then start to load the Pages document I shared, download it from iCloud, and link it to my own iCloud Drive. From here, I can then make changes and edit my document because it’s now collaborative and synced over iCloud. Any changes that I make will also show up on different versions as well. For example, keep an eye on the iPhone in the corner when I add the name of the app I’m featuring in this list, ‘Smashing Apps’, and you’ll see it update almost immediately on the iPhone as well. This collaboration doesn’t just work between two devices; in fact, it can support over a hundred different accounts all at once. You can work on a whole class document, share planning with other teachers across year and phase groups, or work on documents with people all around the world. It’s really easy to set up and a really effective and secure way of working on the same document together.

About Pages
The Pages app is a word processing tool by Apple that allows users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents across iOS and macOS devices. It offers a variety of templates, advanced formatting options, and real-time collaboration features, making it suitable for everything from simple notes to professional reports.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPad Air 2
running iPadOS 13.

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