Interactive Winter Jumper

an iPad QuickLesson by Jacob Woolcock

For this #QuickLesson I’m going to introduce you to the brilliant drawing tools in Scratch 3 and talk you through the process of creating your own Christmas Jumper drawings. Once we’ve explored the drawing elements we’ll then dive into coding. Just like with my own students I’ll point you in the right direction with the coding but then you’re free to experiment and create your own take on the program. I’ll get you started, but you can finish this activity in whichever way you like.

Interactive Winter Jumper

Watch this QuickLesson

Step 1:
Create your Jumper Shape

begins at 02:00

Step 2:
Adding Colours and New Sprites

begins at 05:18

Step 3:
Characters and Backgrounds

begins at 07:18

Step 4:
Coding your Jumper

begins at 10:07

Step 5:
Taking your Code Further

begins at 13:49

Step 1: Create your Jumper Shape

begins at 02:00

Step 2: Adding Colours and New Sprites

begins at 05:18

Step 3: Characters and Backgrounds

begins at 07:18

Step 4: Coding your Jumper

begins at 10:07

Step 5: Taking your Code Further

begins at 13:49

Inspiration Gallery

tag me on Twitter (@JacobWoolcock) to be added to the gallery!

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Download and keep this entire QuickLesson to watch whenever you like, ad free - along with detailed lesson plans, curriculum links and a copy of the files I created in this lesson.

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Alternatively you enjoy the QuickLesson for free on YouTube below!