
How to use iCloud Folder Sharing

29th March 2020


| Files
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

Jacob Woolcock

29th March 2020

Jacob Woolcock



| Files
iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

nothing to see here!

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Explore the new feature in iOS 13.4 that allows you to share entire folders via iCloud in this informative tutorial. Learn how to easily set up folder sharing using the Files app, manage access permissions, and collaborate across different Apple IDs. This video demonstrates the process step-by-step, showing both the sender’s and recipient’s perspectives, making it easy to understand and implement for effective file management and collaboration.


As of iOS 13.4, you can now share entire folders using iCloud, not just a single document. To do this, open up the Files app and then long press on the folder you want to share. From here, tap on the share button, and then you’ll see a new option for ‘Add People’. Tap on here, and from here, you can choose how you want to share your invitation; it could be by iMessage or copying the link. I’m going to send mine through my email client. You can then choose what access permissions they can have: they can view the files and not edit them, or they can have read and write access to have full control and share that folder collaboratively. I’m now going to fire this off to my email on my personal iCloud account, and we’ll switch over to my iPhone to see what happens from that side of things. On my iPhone, I’ve now received my email link, and when I tap on there, it will start retrieving the shared folder. It will prompt me to decide if I want to add this to my Files app; of course, I’m going to say yes, and then it will hopefully open straight into that new shared folder. Already, I can see the two documents that are in there from my iPad, and if I scan a new document very quickly, like this amazing piece of artwork that I may need for a different video, you should then see that appear on the iPad as well as the iPhone, despite the fact there are two separate Apple IDs.

About Files
The Files app is a file management tool by Apple that allows users to organise, browse and access documents and other files across their iOS and iPadOS devices. It integrates with iCloud Drive and other cloud storage services to provide a centralised location for managing all types of files.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPad Air 2
running iPadOS 13.

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