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How to Browse and Research High Quality Artwork in Google Arts and Culture

8th December 2019

Jacob Woolcock


Discover the world of art in your classroom with the Google Arts and Culture app, as showcased in this informative video. Learn how to access and explore thousands of high-resolution artworks, delve into artist stories from around the globe, and use powerful search and filter options to enhance your art lessons. This video guides you through the app’s features, demonstrating how it can be a valuable resource for inspiring and educating students about various art forms and artists.

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Today, I’m going to show you an app which you can use for art in your classroom. On Google Arts and Culture, you can browse thousands, if not millions, of really high-resolution and high-quality pieces of artwork. Tap the ‘Discover’ tab at the bottom and straight away, you can jump onto the artists’ page. From here, you can scroll down through eras and different artists, and you can choose the one that you’re studying with your class. You can also search if you want to. On the artists’ page, you can then browse a story about the artists from different galleries around the world, or you can scroll down to the actual artworks themselves. You can swipe through the artwork at this stage, going left to right, and you can also filter by date, new art that was made, or by colour or popularity. When you tap onto an artwork, it will immediately load the highest quality version that Google can get, and normally you can zoom in right down to the brushstroke level and see a huge amount of detail. As well as being able to browse by artists, you can also choose to browse by medium. This could be really helpful if you’re doing a project on charcoal, watercolour, or printmaking, and you want to find examples of artwork that would be good for the children to research. This app is a really quick and really effective way of bringing high-resolution and high-quality artwork into your classroom. The children can do research, they can compare pictures, and they can hopefully use them as inspiration for their own artwork. Give it a try, explore, and see what you can find on Google Arts and Culture.

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