
Create and Edit Text and Sticky Notes

13th December 2022


| Freeform
iPhone 14 Pro
IOS_16_icon copy
iOS 16.2

Jacob Woolcock

13th December 2022

Jacob Woolcock



| Freeform
iPhone 14 Pro
IOS_16_icon copy
iOS 16.2

nothing to see here!

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In Freeform there are plenty of options for adding and styling text on your Boards. Whether it’s adding 3D Sticky Notes of creating and editing Text Boxes, this short and easy-to-follow tutorial will show you all the different text options in this great new Freeform app from Apple.


Okay, so now we’ve got our new Board in Freeform it’s time to start adding some content – and what better place to start with than text?

So at the bottom of my screen I’m going to tap onto here, which is the Text Box icon. frustratingly it’s put my text box right on top of my picture in the middle!

But not to worry – I can simply drag it off and then double tap to start typing.

For my trip to Cologne I want to have a nice selection of things I can look at for sightseeing and also some things to buy as well.

So let’s label this text box ‘Things to See’ and then I’ll make another one with that same button and this one will be called ‘Things to Buy’.

If I go back and tap on my first text box I get this floating oval shaped toolbar at the bottom.

This is a really key part of Freeform and it lets you adjust any item that you’ve selected.

For example from here I can change my Font Size, I can make it Bold or Italic, I can change the Font itself and start customising how this looks on my page.

I can even change the colour as well, so let’s go for a nice bright orange just to set a theme for this Board.

Yeah, I think that looks great!

Now rather than having to go onto my next title and do all of those different settings individually, if I tap onto the three dots on the original title and then go into the Style menu I can select Copy Style.

Then, on my next text box I’m going to tap on it once to highlight it, press the three dots again, go on to Style and press Paste Style.

Just like that all of the edits will be applied to this text box as well!

As I mentioned earlier we’ve got a large Infinite Canvas here, which means as I zoom out I can simply tap and drag to move these text boxes around and position them on my Board.

Now, let’s start adding some things I want to buy or shops that I want to visit in CologneM and to do this we’ll use the Sticky Note button at the bottom.

This differs from a text box in that their all-in-one design makes it really quick and simple to use.

If I tap onto here I can type in what I want to visit (perhaps the Apple store or the Lego store).

I’ve now got some 3D looking Sticky Notes on my page.

Now, I can’t change all of the properties of my font in these Notes, but I can change the size of the text and I can change the color of the Sticky Note itself so I can make them stand out a little bit.

Okay, in the next video we’re going to have a look at adding Shapes onto our Board and how to make them look really awesome.

So follow the link and I’ll see you there in a moment.

About Freeform
The Freeform app is a versatile digital canvas developed by Apple, designed for creative brainstorming and collaborative projects. It allows users to freely sketch, write, and organise ideas visually and supports real-time collaboration.
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Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 14 Pro
running iOS 16.2.

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