
How to check FaceTime Video Voicemail Messages

18th September 2023


| FaceTime
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

Jacob Woolcock

18th September 2023

Jacob Woolcock



| FaceTime
iPhone 14 Pro
iOS 17

nothing to see here!

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In this QuickTips video, I’ll show you how to effortlessly check your FaceTime Video Voicemail messages on iOS 17. Whether you’re a seasoned Apple user or just getting started, I’ve got you covered. Discover how to access and listen to those important video messages left for you, even when you’re unable to answer the call. Plus, I’ll share some handy tips to make the most out of your FaceTime experience. Stay tuned, and let’s dive into the world of video voicemail on your Apple device!


Now with iOS 17, you don’t have to worry if you can’t answer a FaceTime call there and then, because people now have the option to leave you a video voicemail. Here, Sapphy’s got a missed notification from me for a FaceTime call I made earlier that she couldn’t watch at the time. But if she taps onto there, it opens up the FaceTime app, and from here, on that list of calls, you can see there’s a video message there from Jacob. When she taps onto here, she’ll get that message from me, just like this.

That means you won’t have to wonder why I was calling; you’ll understand exactly what I wanted. And then, at the end of that message, she can make the choice to either start a new FaceTime call there and then, or to reply by sending a text message. If she presses on “text message,” it will then go straight into messages, and she can reply just like normal. It’s a really small improvement, but it makes your iPhone so much better than before, especially when you’re doing lots of FaceTime calls. And there are loads more things that have changed as well, so please do check out this playlist on the end screen now, and do subscribe if you want more iPhone quick tips. Thank you.

About FaceTime
The FaceTime app is Apple's video and audio calling application that enables users to connect with others over Wi-Fi or cellular data. It supports high-quality video calls, group calls and other interactive features like SharePlay - making communication easy and engaging across Apple devices.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 14 Pro
running iOS 17.

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