
How to Use Bold Text and Colour Filters on iPad

19th May 2024


| Accessibility
11" iPad Pro (2nd Generation)
iPadOS 17.5

Jacob Woolcock

19th May 2024

Jacob Woolcock



| Accessibility
11" iPad Pro (2nd Generation)
iPadOS 17.5

nothing to see here!

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In this video, I demonstrate how to enhance text readability on your iPad by enabling bold text and colour filters, two invaluable accessibility features.

By guiding you through the settings, I show how these adjustments can significantly improve the clarity of on-screen text, making it easier for everyone to read.

This tutorial is especially helpful for individuals with visual impairments or dyslexia, offering practical tips to customise your device for better usability. Whether you’re a teacher, student, or just looking to optimise your iPad experience, this video provides essential information to make your screen more user-friendly.


There are lots of different ways on the iPad that we can make text on screen easier for everyone to read. Two of the most popular ways of doing this are bold text and colour filters. To enable these two accessibility features, jump into the Settings app and then scroll down until you reach Accessibility. From here, you want to go to Display and Text Size.

Immediately on this screen, you’ll notice there’s a toggle at the top for Bold Text. When I turn that on, my whole interface changes, and the writing becomes a lot clearer and easier to read. We could also change the text size at this point as well if we wanted to, but I’m going to leave that for now, instead opting to turn on Increased Contrast. You’ll notice now that the difference between the foreground and the background stands out more, which again makes the text clearer to read.

The other really useful feature on this screen is called Colour Filters. If I scroll down slightly, then tap on this option, I’ll see at the top of my screen a set of coloured crayons. Beneath that, when I enable a colour filter, my whole screen changes, and the colour of those crayons changes as well.

On here, there are some predefined filters which are great if you’ve got colour blindness, but of course, you can also choose your own colour tint. You can use the slider to find the exact hue and saturation that you want. This is great if you want to have a coloured overlay on your whole screen, maybe a blue or green overlay, which can be excellent for supporting people with dyslexia. Of course, you can fine-tune whatever colour and hue you want, and it will apply to the entire OS. When you leave this app and open up anything else, that colour filter will be there, almost like a sheet of transparent plastic on top of your iPad.

About Accessibility
Apple devices offer a comprehensive range of accessibility features designed to support users with diverse needs, including vision, hearing, physical and motor skills, and learning differences.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an 11" iPad Pro (2nd Generation)
running iPadOS 17.5.

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