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Understanding iPhone Battery Health: A Comprehensive Guide

7th April 2024


| Settings
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 17.4

Jacob Woolcock

7th April 2024

Jacob Woolcock



| Settings
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iOS 17.4

nothing to see here!

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Discover how to effectively manage and maintain your iPhone battery in this informative video. Gain insights into tracking battery health, understanding charge cycles, and optimising charging habits to prolong your device’s lifespan. Whether you’re a seasoned iPhone user or new to the platform, this tutorial offers invaluable tips to maximise battery performance and keep your device running smoothly for longer.


As your iPhone gets older, the battery will naturally start to last a little bit less long. You can actually keep track of how your battery is doing at any point by jumping into the Settings app and then scrolling down to where it says Battery. From here, you get a graph of how it’s been charged recently, and below that, you get the apps that are using the most battery in any given day.

Whilst this is all very interesting information, if you go back up to the top of the screen and then tap onto Battery Health, you’ll find how your battery is doing inside your phone. You’ll see your maximum charge capacity; mine is currently 100% as it’s quite a new phone, but this number will gradually get lower as your phone goes through more charging cycles. Anything below about 80% and it’s probably worth getting that battery replaced because you’ll probably find it’s not holding charge very well anymore.

You’ve also got that battery health summary at the top there; mine is normal, but if yours needs changing or if your battery is a cause for concern, it will tell you there as well. Finally, on this screen, I’ve got the charge cycle count – how many times the battery has run down completely and been recharged again. That’s a useful number to know because it will show how old your battery is, particularly if you’re buying a secondhand iPhone. It’s a good thing to check.

But if you’re watching this video, you probably want to look after the battery on your phone and keep it going for as long as you can. So, if we go back to that main battery health screen, we have the charging optimisation modes, and there are three different options to choose from. Firstly, you can have none at all, in which case your phone will just charge whenever you plug it in. Or you can have optimised charging, where your iPhone will gradually learn how you like to charge your phone, and it will wait until you need it to be fully charged. So, for example, overnight, it will only start charging an hour before your alarm goes off. And then finally, there’s an 80% limit option, which means that your battery will never charge beyond 80%, thereby keeping the battery life going for a little bit longer.

I personally like using optimised mode, and I’ve always found that to work well for me and my habits. But you can obviously choose what best suits you here. And if you want some more tips to get the most out of your iPhone, please do subscribe to our channel down below.

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About Settings
The Settings app on iOS is the central hub for configuring and managing device preferences and system settings. It allows users to adjust various aspects of their device, including network connections, privacy options, and app-specific settings, providing comprehensive control over their iOS experience.

Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 15 Pro Max
running iOS 17.4.

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