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Google’s Magic Eraser on iPhone – The Easiest Way to Edit Your Photos!

5th March 2023


| Google Photos
iPhone 14 Pro
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iOS 16.3

Jacob Woolcock

5th March 2023

Jacob Woolcock



| Google Photos
iPhone 14 Pro
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iOS 16.3

nothing to see here!

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With iOS 16 you can Are you tired of spending hours editing your photos? Say hello to Google’s Magic Eraser! With the latest iPhone update, Google has introduced a powerful new tool that makes photo editing a breeze. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use the Magic Eraser to remove unwanted objects from your photos in seconds. Whether it’s a pesky photobomber, an unwanted background, or a blemish on your skin, the Magic Eraser has got you covered. You don’t need any prior photo editing experience to use this tool – it’s that easy! Join me as I guide you through the steps to make your photos look flawless with Google’s Magic Eraser.


For the first time Google have made their Magic Eraser feature available on more devices than just the Pixel – and it’s even on iPhone!

Now, the Magic Eraser is really clever because it will replace parts of a photograph that you don’t want, but it will do it using machine learning so it only changes the part that it needs to.

We’re going to open up the Google Photos app and as long as it’s got permission to access your photos it looks pretty much like the Apple Photos app itself.

From here you can then choose and select the photo you want to edit and then at the bottom you press the Edit button that looks like this.

Now, in Google Photos there are lots of automatic suggestions for you various filters and effects and styles, but we want to go onto Tools at the bottom and then select Magic Eraser.

Sometimes Google’s machine learning will automatically detect things that you might want to remove and it will light them up in white for you (in fact in the next example I’ll show you what that looks like), but for this case all I’m going to do is use my finger and then draw over the area that I want to replace.

I can do this fairly roughly – I haven’t got to shade in the whole area – and then the machine learning will kick in and it will work out which part of the image I likely want to replace.

Don’t worry if you have to do it two or three times, sometimes it won’t always detect the whole object you want to remove.

At the end of the process you can’t see any evidence of people – all you can see is that lovely landscape!

Let me very quickly jump into a second image (and this is one of the beach) where Google Photos is automatically going to work out at things I might want to remove from the picture such as people in the background.

Now, while I’m talking by the way if you haven’t already please do Subscribe down below.

There are hundreds more tips just like this one to help you make the most of your iPhone.

Okay, so on this final image when I press under Tools and then Magic Eraser you’ll notice that some areas have been found automatically for me.

They’re highlighted in white if you can’t tell.

Now you could erase all of these in one tap, or you can zoom in and tap on them individually to make sure you do want to get rid of them. and then just like the photo of Dartmoor this lovely seascape will lose all of the people, all of their shadows and reflections and now you can just see the sea.

There is of course one caveat to using Magic Eraser on the iPhone, and that is you need to be part of the Google One Subscription Service.

I’ve had a membership for years to back up my photographs and to do my Google Drive, so you may well be subscribed already, but if you’re not you will need to do that before you use Magic Eraser.

However there are other tools available as well such as Pixelmator Photo (which I’ll link at the end of this video) which do a very similar job.

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About Google Photos
Google Photos is a cloud-based photo storage and management service that offers unlimited backup for photos and videos at high quality. It provides powerful organisation tools, advanced search capabilities, and automatic creation features like albums, collages, and animations, making it easy for users to store, manage, and share their visual memories.
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Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 14 Pro
running iOS 16.3.

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