
How to Zoom In to your Cursor on a Mac – Perfect for Teaching + Presenting!

6th June 2021


Jacob Woolcock

6th June 2021

Jacob Woolcock




nothing to see here!

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How many times have you been presenting from your Mac and wished you could zoom into a particular button or area of the screen? Well you can, there’s a feature built right into macOS that’s incredibly easy to use and once you enable it you’ll be using it every single day – I know I do!


As a teacher, there are often times I want to zoom into my Mac screen to make it easier for people to see on the projector. Here’s a really quick way to get that working.

I’m going to go straight into the Settings App and from there, I’m going to choose Accessibility. On the Accessibility page, you then want to choose Zoom on the left-hand side. Now from here, you want to enable the ‘Use Scroll Gesture with Modifier Keys’ in the middle section.

By default, you will use the Control key, but you can choose Command or Option if you prefer. I’ll keep mine on Control for now. Then, all you need to do is hold Control on your keyboard and scroll one finger up or down on your mouse or trackpad. This will zoom in the entire screen to wherever the cursor is. If you move your cursor around or off the screen, the zoom will follow your cursor as you move.

This feature is great for zooming into certain parts of the screen to show your students and make things clearer when you’re explaining videos. As well as zooming into a full screen, you can also choose Split Screen mode or Picture In Picture. I’ll show you now what these do, but quite honestly, they’re not really what I need to help present lessons to a class of students; however, you may find them useful yourself.

Now, if I jump back into Final Cut Pro, I can finally zoom in and show you what I was trying to do—adjusting the scale of the Memoji. Holding Control and scrolling one finger up on the mouse will zoom straight into where the cursor is. This really is the kind of feature you can enable once and then use every single day when you’re on your Mac.


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