
How to Assign Activities for Pupils using Sessions

15th March 2020


iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

Jacob Woolcock

15th March 2020

Jacob Woolcock



iPad Air 2
iPadOS 13

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Discover how to effectively assign learning sessions within Times Tables Rockstars as a teacher. Learn how to set activities, track progress, and ensure students stay engaged with their learning through this step-by-step tutorial.


To get started, you’ll need to sign into your teaching account on Times Tables Rockstars – do this through your web browser, not the TTRockstars app. When you’ve logged in, you can see the Sessions tab on the left-hand side. Tap on here and choose the class you want to assign your session to, or you can choose to select your whole school. On this screen, you can see past, present, and future sessions, and you can press the New Session button to set a new activity for your class. On this screen, you have the choice of what date range to assign your activities for – you might want to set it for a whole week, one day, or even just a single lesson.

Then you have to pick what activity you want to assign to your children. You could choose to make them play ten games in the Garage, have three goes at the Soundcheck, or perhaps have five goes in the Festival arenas. When the children log in to their accounts within that time window you set earlier, they’ll then be greeted with the activity you’ve set for them to do.

This means that they can’t spend half an hour looking at hairstyles in the shop – they have to focus on the activity you’d like them to do first before they can move onto other things. You can even set recurring tasks on this page. For example, using the Studio every week to keep their Rock Speed up-to-date.

You can also use Sessions to ensure pupils are playing every day by, for example, setting four games in the Garage every day as a recurring session, and then when you check the progress, you can see which days they’ve been active for. As the teacher, you can then see how many pupils completed the activities and what results they got on the screen here. If you change your mind and want to remove a session, you can press the Bin icon on the right-hand side.

This is a really simple way of assigning learning within Times Tables Rockstars for the children to enjoy.


Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPad Air 2
running iPadOS 13.

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