Smashing Apps

Episode 4:

GarageBand, Tinkercad, Padlet & LessonUp

Rhea Flohr 🇳🇱

Brabant, The Netherlands


Rhea talks to us about an exciting app called LessonUp, which she uses to create interactive and dynamic lessons for her pupils.

Alicia Bankhofer 🇦🇹

Vienna, Austria


Alicia talks us through Padlet and how she uses it for collaboration in her classroom.


Eldar shares his favourite app GarageBand and goes beneath the surface to show us some incredible power-user features which he utilities in his class.

Jacob Woolcock 🇬🇧

Cornwall, United Kingdom


This month I share a brand new app for iPad, Tinkercad. This powerful tool has been a long-time favourite of mine on Mac, but now it's on iPad it enables pupils to design and create in 3D in a more tactile way than ever before.