
How to Set Up and Use Flighty Friends

8th August 2023


| Flighty
iPhone 14 Pro
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iOS 16.5

Jacob Woolcock

8th August 2023

Jacob Woolcock



| Flighty
iPhone 14 Pro
IOS_16_icon copy
iOS 16.5

nothing to see here!

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With the Flighty app for iOS you’ve long been able to track your flights in real time with instant notifications of flight changes and detailed descriptions of your journey. But now you can check-in on your friends flying just as easily with Flighty Friends. Here’s a quick guide to how to get started with Flighty Friends and how it all works.


[Jacob] Since my last video on Flighty they’ve added a brand new feature called flighty friends which makes everything so much easier if you want to share your travel plans with friends or family.

[Jacob] But to demo it is tricky because I need a friend who’s waiting on a plane, maybe at an airport…

[Sabe] Oh, hi Jacob!

[Jacob] Oh hey, what are the odds?!

[Sabe] I’m at the airport now so I just thought I’d flick you my flight details so you can see when I’ve landed safely.

[Jacob] Thank you, that would be great.

[Jacob] I know I could just copy and paste the boarding code and add it to the friend’s flight section, but nowadays with this new feature it seems worth exploring.

[Jacob] How do we get started?

[Sabe] I’ve got my flight loaded into the Flighty app and if I tap here I can see my Flighty Friends account.

[Sabe] I just need a name and profile picture to get started.

[Jacob] Is there a way of making sure it only shares with certain people – perhaps people that you can add?

[Sabe] Yeah, this is only shared with the people that I choose.

[Sabe] Speaking of which, now all I need to do is add you as a friend.

[Jacob Oh, sweet! Look at that, I’ve got a message inviting me to join you on Flighty.

[Jacob] If I tap on here it’s opening the Flighty app straight away and now I can see Sabe you’re there as a friend.

[Sabe] Now our accounts are linked you should be able to see my flight, isn’t there right Jacob?

[Jacob] Ah look at that!

[Jacob] If I go from My Flights to Friends Flights, Sabe I can see your fight is there automatically!

[Jacob] I’ve not got to type anything in, it’s just there ready for me.

[Sabe] Fab! Now look mate I gotta run – it’s time for me to check in. See you later!

[Jacob] No worries mate, thanks for your help and safe travels!

[Jacob] And of course now on Flighty, because Sabe is my Flighty Friend, I can track his flight, get notifications, Live Activities – all that good stuff.

[Jacob] And I can choose as well if I want to have notifications on for just this flight of his, or all of his flights in the future, and I can change that really simply by going to Flighty Friends, choosing Sabe and then having a look at the options down on that page.

[Jacob] This is a really clever new feature that basically acts as like a mini social network – a mini Find My perhaps – but for people who fly often.

[Jacob] It means it’s super easy to keep track of what they’re doing and get notifications.

[Jacob] Sabe, thank you so much for joining me on this QuickTip and good luck on your travels!

About Flighty
The Flighty app is a flight tracking application that provides real-time updates, detailed itineraries, and predictive flight status information for travellers. It offers features such as push notifications for gate changes, delays, and cancellations, helping users stay informed and manage their travel plans efficiently.
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Video Details

This QuickTip video was recorded on an iPhone 14 Pro
running iOS 16.5.

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